Nish Logistics is always with you for your expert logistics needs


Road Transport

You can perform complete and partial transportation all over Europe, especially in our main lines Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands..

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Airway Transport

It adds time to your time with regular cargo transport services from all airports in Turkey to airports all over the world.

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Seaway Transport

You can experience partial or complete transport service between all world ports with our experienced team.

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Intermodal Transport

Intermodal transport mode, which is a combination of at least two different modes of transport, offers the most economical solution by reducing your costs.

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Projects Logistics and Heavy Freight

Project transportation can be a suitable form of logistics for any non-standard shipment.

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Nish Insurance

Solve your insurance-related requests through a single company with the comfort of Nish

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Minivan Express Transport

Express COMPLETE and PARTIAL Transportation Complete and partial import/export road alternatives are

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Integrated Logistics Service

Our integrated logistics support application services allow us to diversify our activities and

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We Start Stronger, More Modern!

Logistics, which is one of the cornerstones of our country's economy today, is in constant motion.

In our world where national borders have disappeared in trade between countries; service providers who can produce creative and constructive solutions, quality and low cost on time can respond to the needs and changing conditions. Accordingly, systematic 'developing and being open to innovations' is one of the main principles of NISH LOGISTICS.

With more than 20 years of experience in the sector, we are trying to add value to our business partners and our sector by producing sustainable solutions with a dynamic structure that is open to innovations and learning. With our knowledge and experience from yesterday, we realise all transport modules to every point of the world.


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